COVID-19: Information for Patients
If you think you have 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use this self-assessment to help determine if you need to seek further care. If you are having difficulty breathing or experiencing other severe symptoms, call 911 immediately. Advise them of your symptoms and travel history.
If you have recently traveled:
Federal and provincial public health leaders have recommended that all travelers returning from outside of Canada self-isolate for 14 days. This will help to slow the introduction and spread of COVID-19 in Canada.
If you feel unwell:
- Stay at home and avoid close contact with others.
- Call your family doctor's office to describe your symptoms and receive instructions.
How to protect yourself:
- Learn who is most likely to get COVID-19.
Follow Health Canada's advice on how to reduce your chances of contracting
Where to get updates:
- For general updates on COVID-19 in Brampton, visit the Region of Peel Public Health Services webpage.
- We are informing our health care providers of precautions to take to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Due to the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic, Health Canada has provided new guidance on access to controlled substances when needed for medical treatments. Prescribers and pharmacists may have to modify care from that outlined in the CPSO Methadone Maintenance Guidelines.
A link to a new protocol (Early Guidance for Pharmacists in Managing Opioid Agonist Treatment during the COVID-19 Pandemic) established by CAMH and the Ontario Medical Association Executive for Addictions is available here:
We post this information on the course home page and will keep you up-to-date as the situation evolves.
Mental health and addiction information for health care professionals:
COVID related mental health and addiction information for the public: